Let’s Cook with Buddy Oliver


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as we say in Cork, so it’s hardly surprising that Jamie Oliver‘s 13 year old son Buddy should be just as determined as his father to get kids into the kitchen to have fun and to discover how easy it is to cook lots of yummy dishes for themselves and their friends.
Jamie and Jules obviously made their kitchen at home a joyous fun place where the children picked up cooking basics effortlessly and were keen to share the skills with pals.
Buddy started his YouTube channel aptly named Cooking Buddies in 2020.  He’s definitely got his Dad‘s charisma…he’s confident and charming and not afraid to make little mistakes here and there which help to encourage his now 135K subscribers.
More recently Cooking Buddies is on BBC and iPlayer and is getting a tremendous response.
Even the naysayers who complain that cooking TV is disproportionately peppered with the offspring of the rich and famous, cannot deny Buddy’s talent.
His new cookbook, Let’s Cook, takes children on an irresistible adventure and dare I say is also a brilliant introduction for parents who haven’t had time or maybe the inclination to cook thus far. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he’s got lots of little hints and tips on how to make a series of super tasty dishes with accessible ingredients and basic equipment.
No need to have a Magimix to make breadcrumbs, just grate stale or frozen bread on a simple box grater…there are riffs and ‘helpful hacks’ on the bottom of many recipes.
This is a book to buy for all the family.
You’ll never regret encouraging your children to learn how to cook, it’s one of the most important gifts we can give them. Cooking and washing up together is actually a brilliant bonding experience and the best fun. We’re not talking fancy cheffy recipes with complicated techniques, just good simple nutritious food that will fuel them with tons of energy and vitality and the ability to really concentrate at school and perform on the sports field.
I myself am greatly tempted by many of the ‘simply delicious’ recipes.
 Super quick flatbreads, one cup pancakes, veggie nachos, humus and dippers, chicken lollipops, steak sarnies…
All written in Buddy’s inimitable ‘happy chappy’ style but very morish.

Let’s Cook: Fun, easy recipes for kids by Buddy Oliver is published by Penguin Michael Joseph ©Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited Recipe Photography: David Loftus.

The Ultimate Burger

With melty cheese and salad

“Homemade burgers are fast, fun and taste juicier than the ones you buy. Plus, you can stack up the toppings and layer in your favourite sauces exactly as you like them.”

Serves 4

4 gherkins

2 ripe tomatoes

200g red cabbage

red wine vinegar

½ an iceberg lettuce

½ a cucumber

extra virgin olive oil

1 x 400g tin of green lentils

250g higher-welfare minced beef or veggie mince

olive oil

4 slices of Cheddar cheese (60g total)

4 small burger buns

optional: tomato ketchup and/or mayo

  1. Slice the gherkins (use a crinkle-cut knife, if you’ve got one) and tomatoes, and set aside. Finely slice or grate the red cabbage, then toss in a mixing bowl with 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar.
  2. Shred the lettuce and slice the cucumber, then place in another mixing bowl and dress with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Drain the lentils and pat dry with kitchen paper, then blitz in a food processor with the mince and a pinch of black pepper. Divide the mixture into 4 equal pieces and shape into 3cm-thick patties.
  4. Place a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat. Brush the patties with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then carefully place in the hot pan and cook for 4 minutes on each side, or until just cooked through, nudging the patties towards the edge of the pan to sear the sides.
  5. When the burgers are looking good, place a slice of cheese on top of each one, add a splash of water to the pan (the steam will help the cheese to melt), then cover for an extra 4 minutes, or until melted.
  6. Cut the buns in half (toast them if you like), add a dollop of ketchup and/or mayo (if using) to each base, then place a burger on top.
  7. Layer the gherkin, tomato and cucumber slices, and a pinch of lettuce on top of each one, then pop the lids on. Serve the rest of the lettuce, cucumber and tomato on the side, along with the pickled cabbage.

Barbecued Chicken Lollipops

With pepper and pineapple salsa, and lemony couscous

Serves 2

150g wholewheat couscous

olive oil

2 lemons

2 x 120g higher-welfare skinless chicken breasts

4 sprigs of rosemary (tied together with a piece of string)

1 tsp runny honey

1 red pepper

¼ of a small red onion

150g pineapple

extra virgin olive oil

optional: ½ a bunch of soft herbs, such as mint, flat-leaf parsley (15g)

4 tbsp natural yoghurt

  1. Soak 6 wooden skewers in cold water to stop them burning later on.
  2. Place the couscous in a bowl with ½ a tablespoon of olive oil. Finely grate in the zest of ½ a lemon and squeeze in the juice, throwing the squeezed half into the bowl. Just cover the couscous with boiling water, then cover and leave aside to fluff up.
  3. Carefully push 3 skewers horizontally into each chicken breast (trim the skewers, if needed), season with black pepper, squeeze over the juice of ½ a lemon and drizzle with ½ a tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. You can cook the skewers on a hot barbecue or in a non-stick frying pan on the hob. Either way, cook them for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the chicken is golden and cooked through, turning regularly. For the final minute of cooking, use the rosemary sprigs to brush the honey over the chicken, giving it a lovely sticky glaze.
  5. Halve, deseed and finely chop the pepper, then peel and finely chop the onion and pineapple, and scrape everything into a bowl. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil, then taste and season with sea salt and pepper, if needed. Pick and finely chop the herbs (if using), then add to the bowl and toss together.
  6. Fluff up the couscous with a fork, season to taste with salt and pepper, and divide between serving plates.
  7. Slice the chicken between the skewers, making sure it’s cooked through – if it’s not, give it a little longer. Place 3 chicken lollipops on each plate and divide up the salsa. Serve with yoghurt for dipping and cut the remaining lemon into wedges for squeezing over.

Rocky Road

With white chocolate drizzle

Serves 16

olive oil, for greasing

100g dark chocolate (70%)

100g quality milk chocolate

125g unsalted butter

75g golden syrup

50g marshmallows

150g biscuits, such as ginger nuts, digestives

75g unsalted nuts, such as pistachios, toasted hazelnuts

75g chocolate-covered honeycomb

75g glacé cherries or dried fruit

50g quality white chocolate

  1. Lightly oil a 25cm x 30cm roasting tray and line it with a sheet of damp greaseproof paper.
  2. Sit a heatproof bowl on top of a pan of lightly simmering water, snap in the dark and milk chocolate, add the butter and golden syrup, and stir occasionally until melted.
  3. Halve the marshmallows, snap up the biscuits, roughly chop or bash up the nuts, bash up the honeycomb and halve the cherries or dried fruit (if needed), then stir them into the chocolate mixture.
  4. Pour into the lined tray and chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours, then carefully turn out.
  5. Snap the white chocolate into a clean heatproof bowl and melt as described in step 2 (or melt in the microwave, if easier). Drizzle the melted chocolate over the rocky road, leave to set in the fridge, then slice up and serve.

About the author

Darina Allen
By Darina Allen


Past Letters

  • Recipes